To enter Mexico City by bike is good on a Sunday

I want to work in Mexico City for a while to improve my Spanish and rest. Of course it's not necessary to work somewhere to practice my Spanish, but if I force myself into it, I will practice more. I contacted several bike shops. One of them wants to talk to me when I arrive in the city. If I want to stay in Mexico City for more than 5-6 weeks, I will have to extend my visa somehow. Probably by bussing to Texas or Guatemala and then re-entering Mexico. 

My own Carnitas tacos in San Miguel de Allende. 

1 April 2023

I decided to stay in San Miguel de Allende for a night. There was a hostel for $280 (15USD) a night. 

Inside the hostel.

Very narrow alley in San Miguel de Allende. 

That evening was some sort of festival/celebration, and I went out to practice my Spanish. I seem to encounter many festivals and celebrations. They are all religious in origin, but for many people, it seems to be more cultural than spiritual. Like how my family used to celebrate Christmas with a tree and presents but no church. 

I met a local person who was riding a mountain bike and he invited me to stay with him. We went mountain biking the next day. 

Mountain biking with Justino.

Justino services pool equipment. I went on a service call with him. The client's pool wasn't heating properly, so they needed a new part in the water heater. Some Mexicans have heated pools. Justino moved from Mexico City to San Miguel de Allende 6 years ago and he prefers living here. His parents still live in Mexico City. Justino loves rock music, especially Iron Maiden. 

Viewpoint overlooking San Miguel de Allende.

In the evening, I had horrible food poisoning. People say it's good to live in the moment, but sometimes the moment sucks. I couldn't sleep because I was in the bathroom throwing up and pooping water all night. How awful.

The next day I slept at Justino's house while he went out. Thank you Justino. 

4 April 2023

Finally left San Miguel de Allende, but I was still sick. No appetite, terrible fatigue and some nausea. Biking? Not fun. Not biking? Also not fun. When I'm sick I'm usually just sad. 

Selfie while sad. 

6 April 2023

Feeling better. I met some people who said I should stay in their town to work and live instead of in Mexico City. He said he needed a driver for his truck. He also bought me bananas and gave me 200MXN. Thank you. 

7 April 2023

I met a man and his son who are Canadian/Mexican dual citizens. The man speaks English, French, Spanish, and Portuguese has traveled the Americas, and says he is king of the Americas. He is enthusiastic in everything he says, and he says everything multiple times, in multiple languages. He says I can stay and fix his bikes and eat his food. I don't have the tools or parts to fix his bicycles, but I do stay one night. 

The next night, I stay with his son Diego. Diego built this cabin in the woods by hand:

Diego's cabin.

Diego considers himself both Canadian and Mexican. Sometime people have trouble understanding this, he says. Diego is 42. Diego hasn't driven a car in 20 years, but he take the bus to Mexico City each week to go to a sweat lodge. The sweat lodge helps his physical and mental health and is a social activity. 

Diego picked nopal cactus. He made us a stew with the cactus and tomato and chili and other yummy things. Thank you Diego. 

9 April 2023

Suddenly there was jungle. 

Tacos al pastor.

You can buy license plates for 5 different states at this building. I would expect this to take place at a government building.

10-13 April 2023

Sick again, oh no. I must force myself to eat. My body feels weak from not enough food, but I have no appetite. Not until it's gone have I appreciated the feeling of hunger.

I stayed in a hostel for $219 in Valle de Bravo and continued the next day, still sick. 

Sign for Mexico City.

I climb to 3000M (10,000ft) and see snow on the ground!

Then I look up and see snow in the sky, on a mountain top!

The sheep needs it's coat here.

The pine forest is beautiful and good temperature for cycling.

I love the high elevation mountainous riding. But I can't enjoy this wonderful place when I am sick. 

I rest for a whole day in my tent and feel better. 

14-16 April 2023

Pretty pollen on the water.

Crazy pollen.

These tamales were very fluffy. I've never had fluffy tamales before and I loved it. 

Pine forest at 4000M

The trees finally stopped at about 4100M. That's about 2000M higher than the tree-line in Oregon, USA.

Still going up. This is the highest I've ridden my bike ever!

The mountain is an inactive volcano. It was last active about 11,000 years ago. 

Here is a view from the top of the third highest peak. You can see the crater, cinder cone, and two lakes. The smaller 'Lake of the Moon' on the left, the larger 'Lake of the Sun' on the right. 

I was surprised to encounter lizards at 4430 meters (14,500 feet). This is the highest I've hiked ever!

Then I descended 2200 meters into the area between mountains.

Finally my hunger returned and I ate three slices of pizza. It tasted pretty good, but did not have tomato sauce. 

I headed towards the forest to camp and asked local people about camping. One suggested a field near her house. I think she was saying the forest would be OK, but the field would be preferable. She would let her neighbors know. Although I prefer forest, I took her advice. A 17 year old guy and his two younger brothers came to greet me. He played his guitar for me in a genera of Mexican music that is usually only guitar. He was really good! They gave me water and an apple. Thank you. In the evening, many dogs surrounded my tent and barked and growled for a very long time. So horribly annoying. 

He gave me prepared chicharrón. Thank you! 

I made a really yummy meal and filmed a video about using the MSR Whisperlite International stove. 

Google Maps shows a long multi use path south of Mexican City. That's why I decided to enter from the south. I camped in the national park the night before.

First view of CDMX. Huge, kind of hazy. 

Multi use path to Mexico City. This made navigation very easy.

Many other cyclists on the multi use path.

Many street vendors made it difficult to cycle and I had to walk in some places. 

Path through residential area.

Eventually the multi use path petered out, but there were many bike lanes. 

Soon I found myself on a road with several lanes closed to cars. 

Every Sunday they close these major streets to cars, and bicycles use the whole road. How lovely to enter Mexico City on a Sunday.

Cyclists use the whole road. The gold statue is the Angel of Independence, celebrating Mexico's Independence from Spain. 

First National Capital visited on my bicycle!


  1. you got that MSR sponsorship yet?

  2. I’ll subscribe to that cooking channel! Hope the food keeps staying down better.

  3. That GI bug really takes a toll. Take it easy. Love reading this.


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